Why Functional Testing? Personalized Nutrition Protocols for the individual.

Conventional care is often a one-size-fits-all approach that is geared toward the entire patient population rather than the individual. Functional testing offers clarity so that each patient can be viewed individually. Testing can uncover the underlying causes of an individuals complaints. The results from the tests allow us to tailor treatments, protocols, and interventions that take into account your genetics, antibiotic resistance genes, virulence factors, unique microbiome, pathways that are under stress or under-functioning all within the individual. There are no standard care approaches here. We will find out what makes you unique and individualize a program that gets you back on track to optimal health.

Functional Testing Available at The Source

  • Certified Opus23 expert trained to analyze your DNA from 23andMe


    Nutrigenomics allows us to understand how foods affect your metabolism and your genetic makeup. It informs us how specific nutrients can support your expression of those genes. This knowledge helps us make truly personalized recommendations about the right types of food to consume based on your individual biochemical and genetic makeup.

    If you can learn the language of your genes and control the messages and instructions they give to your body and your metabolism, you can radically alter how food interacts with your body, lose weight, and optimize your health - Dr. Mark Hyman

  • Stool Test analysis Albuquerque Functional Medicine Practitioner leaky gut protocol

    Comprehensive GI-MAP

    The GI-MAP is a stool test that almost every patient can benefit from. While some patients are looking to achieve optimal health, and others have been chronically ill and frustrated without a diagnosis for years. Gut health impacts overall health, and the microbiome plays a critical role in mediating the effects of diet and other factors such as digestive, immune, metabolic, and neuroendocrine functions. Utilizing a GI-MAP to assess GI health can help us get to the source of your chronic illness or support your optimal wellness! Some conditions that warrant testing are: Auto immune, IBS/IBD, Digestive complaints, diarrhea or constipation, brain fog, skin problems (ie: acne or psoriasis), mood disorders, depression, anxiety, diabetes and weight loss resistance.

  • Functional Nutritionist near me

    Metabolomics & Organic Acids Testing

    The OMX organic acids profile is a simple urine test the highlights areas of dysfunction that can be impacted by epigenetic, nutritional, environmental, lifestyle and other factors.

    This test can help us identify where you have dysfunction in key metabolic pathways that can impact mood, energy production, and overall health while also providing insight into nutrient insufficiency composition, toxic exposures, and microbial metabolism. We can gain insight into: Nutrient cofactor needs, methylation, catecholamine turnover, glutathione status, and your level of inflammation and how we can nutritionally support areas identified with dysfunction.

  • Mold & Mycotoxin Functional Medicine Testing

    Mold & Mycotoxin Testing

    Many patients have chronic conditions that never get diagnosed. Mold and Mycotoxins are often underlying culprits that are often missed. We have simple, non-invasive tests such as urine tests, nasal secretions, or even a home dust sample to test if mold or mycotoxins are found to be present in you or your environment. Some common health effects that are often related to mold are kidney toxicity, immune suppression, migraines, brain fog, dizziness, neurotoxicity, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, acute pulmonary hemorrhage, aplastic anemia, birth defects and more.

  • Order a dutch test

    DUTCH Hormone Testing

    DUTCH Test (stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones). This collection of tests is great for complex client cases. They provide a complete evaluation of sex and adrenal hormones, including metabolites that offer up pieces to the puzzle of the root cause of dis-ease. There are a couple different tests to choose from but these are great for unexplained weight gain, infertility, PCOS, amenorrhea, HRT tracking, fatigue, low libido, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, depression, anxiety and more.