The Source Programs

  • Functional Medicine Testing

    Functional Testing

    Functional testing, if necessary, can assess gut microbiome health, nutrition status, neurocognitive health, and nutrigenomics (how nutrients affect gene expression). Here at The Source, we can access food sensitivity, mycotoxins (mold), organic acids, heavy metal hair analysis, and stool tests. Danielle is a certified Opus23 practitioner who can analyze your genetic tests to prescribe a personalized nutrigenomics protocol based on your genetic makeup. Learn more about the different tests we offer.

  • Functional Nutritionist near me

    1:1 Functional Nutrition Consultation

    Nutritional Consult improves your relationship with food by empowering you with personalized knowledge based on your unique situation and lifestyle. This is ideal if you would like a personalized nutrition plan. Discover the power of food as medicine on your journey to reclaiming your health with a plan that is designed for your unique bio-individuality.

  • Functional medicine health coaching

    1:1 Functional Medicine Health Coaching

    Ideal if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your lifestyle. You will work one-on-one with a health coach co-creating a road map to reach your vision of optimal wellness. Health coaching can also be combined with nutrition consultation to discover a protocol that works best for your biological individual needs. Discover the power of a collaborative care team that’s on your side.

  • Wahls Certified Practitioner - Wahls Protocol

    Wahls Protocol

    The Wahls Protocol is a functional medicine approach to treating autoimmune conditions by getting to the client’s root cause of disease. It focuses on diet and lifestyle interventions with a heavy focus on nutrition and building resilience. If you have autoimmunity, this is what you are looking for. Discover how we work with clients that are ready to implement The Wahls Protocol on their path to reclaiming their health.

  • Group Cooking and Nutrition Classes

    Looking for group nutrition/cooking classes for your company, group, or online community? Whether in person or online our nutrition classes are packed with easy-to-digest information as well as fun and easy-to-prepare healthy recipes. Group participants leave feeling informed and empowered.

    Also click below to see our upcoming live clases.

  • Corporate Wellness Programs

    As Functional Medicine continues to grow so does the interest in Functional Medicine. Our wellness programs have a strong emphasis on nutrition, with current and up-to-date FM topics. Employees will learn healthy workweek food prep and plenty of fast and easy recipe demonstrations. Our corporate wellness programs provide your employees with practical tools and knowledge to achieve their vision of optimal health and wellness.