Reclaim Your Health by Implementing The Wahls Protocol®

Is your autoimmune condition preventing you from doing what you love? Are your current symptoms stopping you from living the life you deserve? Did you know that by implementing The Wahls Protocol®, you can reclaim your health and wellness and get back on track to living your life?

Imagine waking up daily with more energy and vitality to spend time with your loved ones or doing the things that make you happy.

Implementing The Wahls Protocol® with a Certified Wahls Health Practitioner is an excellent opportunity to begin your journey toward your optimal vision of health and wellness.

Watch our free Masterclass on The Wahls Protocol® and how it has helped thousands suffering from Autoimmunity reclaim their lives from the grasp of debilitating autoimmune conditions.

Ready to Get Back on the Path to Optimal Health and Wellness?

Feeling overwhelmed, helpless, or confused about where to start?

Living in the age of information doesn't make this journey any easier. We now have thousands of health professionals, along with a new fad diet popping up every week. This can make navigating your route to wellness near impossible.

Have you had a hard time finding a practitioner that understands what you are going through with your autoimmune condition? Maybe you have been passed around from specialist to specialist spending money on expensive testing while still not getting to the root cause of your condition.

Stop guessing which therapeutic lifestyle approach is best for you. The Wahls Protocol® is backed by randomized clinically controlled trials that prove quality of life and motor function improved with the adoption of The Wahls Protocol®.

Clinically Proven Results with The Wahls Protocol®

Dr. Wahls has proven that her protocol helps better the lives of those suffering from complex autoimmune diseases. Even Dr. Wahls says that the Hero’s Journey to health is the most successful with a guide or a mentor to help keep you on track and in the right direction.

This is why working with a certified Wahls practitioner is crucial to help you navigate where to start and what is best for your unique bio-individuality. Wahls practitioners have been personally trained by Dr. Wahls on the protocol as well as alternate interventions associated with the protocol, and discuss complex cases with Dr. Wahls regularly.

Get the results you deserve! Start the journey to reclaim your health today with the help of a certified Wahls Health Practitioner.

You no longer have to imagine the life you can be living, you can achieve it!

What is The Wahls Protocol®?

Dr. Terry Wahls was diagnosed with Progressive Primary Multiple Sclerosis and was steadily declining. She became dependent on a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. As her health continued to decline, she tried all the new cutting-edge MS drugs and still continued to decline.

Instead of giving up and accepting that she would continue to decline, Dr. Wahls reclaimed her health through rigorous diet and lifestyle modifications. She developed The Wahls Protocol®, a therapeutic diet and lifestyle approach designed by Dr. Wahls that focused on restoring cellular health.

In one year, she went from a tilt recline wheelchair to being able to do the things she loved again like riding her bike. Terry now dedicates her life to helping others recover from MS and other Chronic Diseases.

How Dr. Wahls Reclaimed Her Health

Using the core Foundations of Functional Medicine such as modifiable diet and lifestyle factors as well as rigorous physical therapy interventions,  Dr. Wahls developed a protocol that focuses on the root cause of chronic disease. The Wahls Protocol® focuses on cellular health and supportive nutrients for the health of the mitochondria are the foundations of the protocol.  

The Wahls Protocol® was developed with a heavy emphasis on the diet which is modeled after an ancestral paleo diet.  By increasing her vegetable intake up to nine cups of colorful vegetables a day, sourcing quality protein as well as eating more fermented foods, Terry started to notice changes in her health.  

Dr. Wahls was able to eat her way out of a wheelchair in just one year.  She has been helping people around the world reclaim their health with Functional Medicine by implementing The Wahls Protocol®.

Watch this inspirational video to see how Dr. Wahls reclaimed her health and was able to accomplish amazing results through The Wahls Protocol®.

Practioner Spotlight: Kevin Arnold, NBC-HWC, FMCHC, CWHP

Shortly after being diagnosed with RRMS in 2019, Kevin was fortunate enough to discover the power of Functional Medicine.  After implementing The Wahls Protocol® into his own life, Kevin wanted to share the healing power of Functional Medicine with others that are struggling with MS and other chronic and autoimmune conditions.

Kevin became a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC) in 2022. Immediately after graduation, he completed Dr. Wahls certification program to become a Certified Wahls Health Practitioner.

Kevin’s personal journey living with MS, his personal commitment and experience with The Wahls Protocol®, his education in Functional Medicine, and becoming a Certified Wahls Protocol Health Practitioner has made him a great ally for clients wanting to adapt their lifestyles and adhere to The Wahls Protocol® level that’s best suited for them.  

When not working with clients transforming their health, you can find Kevin adventuring in the outdoors doing what he loves. Kevin enjoys rock climbing, canyoneering, mountain biking, hiking, snowboarding, and teaching yoga at multiple studios in Albuquerque, NM.

Foundations of The Wahls Protocol®

It all begins with Diet.  This is one of the only elements that we have the most control over in our environment.  Diet is the most powerful tool you have to heal your MS and other autoimmune and chronic diseases.  Thanks to Dr. Wahls’s meticulous research and years of practice it has been refined into three different stages making it customizable allowing you to choose where to start your journey. 

Foods to Always Avoid on all Levels of the Wahls Protocol®

Level One: The Wahls® Diet

This is the entry level diet to the Wahls Protocol® There are three primary elements in this plan. 

  1. Nine Cups of Fruits and Vegetables Every Day 

  2. Gluten Free/Dairy Free 

  3. Organic, Grass Fed, Wild Caught Protein 

  4. Legumes and approved grains (soaked and sprouted)

  5. Nuts and seeds (soaked and sprouted)

  6. Healthy Oils

Level Two: The Wahls® Paleo

The Wahls Paleo is the next step up from the Wahls Diet and is more restrictive and therapeutic. This is recommended for anyone with more severe conditions including neurological, autoimmune, and chronic disease.

Continuing on the foundations, we put down with the Wahls Diet. Continuing to consume 9 cups of fruits and vegetables per day, remaining gluten free and grain free, and eating wild caught and grass fed protein. We will add on in level 2 the following.

  1. Reduce gluten free grains, potatoes, and legumes to two servings per week

  2. Add seaweed or algae and organ meats to your diet

  3. Add fermented foods, soaked seeds and nuts and more raw foods.

Level Three: The Wahls® Paleo Plus

This is the most therapeutic levels of the diet and the one I personally follow. If you aren’t seeing enough results and progress. This is a low carb, high-fat ketogenic diet following the paleo principles and pillars of the previous levels.

The Wahls® Paleo Plus adds the following elements to the rules of level 1 and level 2.

  1. Eliminate all grains, legumes, and potatoes.

  2. Consume at least 6 cups of vegetables divided evenly between greens, colors, and sulfur vegetables.

  3. Eliminate cooked starchy vegetables and fruit other than berries.

  4. Add Coconut and full fat coconut milk or olive oil depending on your lipids.

  5. Eat Twice (or even once) per day and fast 14 or more hours every night.

Download a Wahls Protocol® Free Three-Day Sample Meal Plan